Premium sponge puff designed to make base makeup
adhere to skin better and promote long-lasting fit

Wink Foundation Puff Edge


  • 1Sponge puff ideal for both beginners and professionals

  • The puff whose edges offer the feel of good grip in the hand can help the skincare formula adhere tightly to skin and apply on various parts, from the cheeks to the ala of the nose.

  • 2A choice tool to express the optimal base makeup look

  • The edge of the puff can help skincare formula adhere perfectly and express the look of smooth skin. Depending on the makeup style, it can be moistened with water.

Since cushion puffs are consumables, they are not to be washed for reuse.

①Cushion puffs are characteristically prone to viral contamination, especially during the washing and drying process; thus requiring caution before use.
②Depending on the washing method, washing can cause deformation of the puff product.
③Using the puff causes accumulation of content in the sponge structure, which can deform or cause contamination. Replacement is recommended after a few times of use.